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Dolphins use echolocation to communicate with each other. Bats use it so they dont fly into things like trees. Boats and submarines use it to locate where each other are so they can fire bombs at one another.

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Q: What are the uses of echolocation?
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What process does echolocation use?

it uses ultrasound

Can aye-ayes use echolocation?

Yes, an aye-aye uses echolocation and is the only primate to do so.

What is an winged animal that uses echolocation?

Disk-winged bats use echolocation to find their prey. The bat uses a high pitched sound that is reflected off of objects in its surroundings.

Does dolphins uses sound to find foods?

they use echolocation

Can you give me a sentence with the word in it sonar?

A submarine uses sonar, like a bat uses echolocation to see.

What animal uses echolocation to locate objects?

dolphins bats porpoises and whales

What type of mediums does a echolocation have?

Echolocation is a form of perception that uses sound waves to detect objects and navigate surroundings. It can be used in various environments, such as air, water, or in the dark.

What animal doesn't see good?

the pink dolphin of the Amazon River. It uses echolocation

What type of waves do echolocation use?

Echolocation uses sound waves to navigate and locate objects in its environment. These sound waves are produced by the animal or device using echolocation, and they bounce off objects, returning echoes that are then detected to determine the object's location, size, and shape.

How does a dolphin communicate through movement?

A dolphin uses echolocation to find what it needs to. It bounces off an object to tell what it is.

Use echolocation in a sentence?

"Bats use echolocation to move around." Is a sentence using echolocation

How do you use echolocation in a sentences?

Bats use echolocation to navigate and locate prey in the dark.