They are fun and a part of recreational math. It is kind of like asking what is the point of Black Jack, or Tennis? They are just recreations and fun for some people, although not for everyone.
People have been doing them since 650 BCE which is longer than most recreations we have today.
no the magic squares is a way different thing
its not
swer in a 4x4 magic squares with 10-=25 numbers in each column?
no the magic squares is a way different thing
Magic Squares - 1914 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
its not
swer in a 4x4 magic squares with 10-=25 numbers in each column?
While they may have been called magic squares, there is absolutely nothing magical about them. The arrangement of numbers in magic squares is all very rational.
Magic squares are grids of numbers that add up to the same number in each row, each column and both long diagonals. ■
Architects use combination squares.