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Mathematics is the medium language with definite instructive explaining how thing related or worked in science. Early learning in science (say primary school) might need a lot of memorizing and little calculation. At the higher end, it will be less memorizing and more to understanding of how thing work or relate. It is when Maths become the major part of science.

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Q: What are the uses of maths in science?
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What maths are used in science?

Science primarily uses algebra and calculus.

Why are mathematicians important?

maths is vital in every job. science uses a maths, history, music. most things involve maths in one way or the other.

Is maths a science-based subject?

Maths is a science. It's not the typical science people think of, but it is a science. Science is a maths-based subject. You need maths in science but you don't need 'science' in maths. Your question can be interpreted in different ways, but it really depends on what you mean by science or maths and the definition you use.

What are the various uses of maths in nature?

Nature doesn't "use" math. Math and science are the descriptions of what Nature does ... naturally.

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Whats more crucial to life math and science or science?

Of cource Its both maths and science as you can't do science without maths.

How is maths is used in other subject?

This is a very short answer, but it tells you the basics. Maths is used in science; in science, you measure amounts. Maths is used in history; you use dates. Maths is also used in geography; in geography you count population and take measurements. Maths is used in music as well; you count the beats, multiply the beats and arrange them. There are many other uses of maths in these subjects, if you don't constrain yourself to thinking that maths is STRICTLY hard arithmetic and algebraic problems you will see that maths is in everything you do. From cooking, to breathing, maths is everywhere.

What is the use of maths in science?

In science it is also necessary to use maths as you need to perform certain calculations.

Correlation between math and science What are jobs that mainly use science?

Engeneeing uses a lot if maths inventor is both physics scientist slot of both there's teacher Work for NASA a plane old scientist a desiner a lot of maths a technician etc

What are the topics they teach in computer science and engineering?

Speaking as a graduate of Engineering and Computer Science: Maths, maths, maths. It's all about maths. Maths is the foundation to everything else that you learn. Beyond that, check out the university's syllabus.

Is maths useful?

Maths is used almost everywhere. From science research lab to busyness offices, it has a wide range of uses. It is also used in architecture. Without maths our lives, would be almost impossible.

Can you get science based on maths and science marks?
