WWhatever you want to use it for is it in school medicine scientists ect...
The only thing that you really need to know is the quadratic formula, its uses in everyday life. that's all
how are emeralds use in everyday life
Everyday life is frequently irrational.
Unless your "everyday life" involves work in some area of engineering, you won't use matrices in your everyday life.
Californium is not for everyday uses.
Three uses for microscopes are forensics, reasearch, and analysis.
Californium has not uses in everyday life.
Francium has any uses.
Chuck Norris doesn't
Modern microscopes that uses lenses to bend LIGHT
Yes, because you use math in everyday life. And counting is math ,because there numbers and numbers are apart of math.
One of the elements to make water or H2o.
that these days people uses oxygen now days
Television and any other electronics in the world
Electron microscopes.