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libraries have trig books.

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Q: What are the uses of trigonometry in the field of library science?
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Does everyone in the constuction field uses trigonometry?

Not everyone but trigonometry is needed in the field of construction under certain circumstances

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versatility of computers in the field of science

Daily uses of trigonometry?

trigonometry is very imr

Who uses trigonometry?


What are the applications of trigonometry in maths?

The field emerged during the 3rd century BC from applications of geometry. Trigonometric functions were among the earliest uses for mathematical tables.

Uses of sin cos ect in maths?

The uses of Sin, Cos etc. in Maths is in relation to Trigonometry. Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between angles and lengths of triangles.

Why library uses databases?

Today database is used in every field. In library all the records are maintained in the database like no. of books in library and their categories, isuue of a book, returning a book etc.

What are the uses of computers in the field of education?

Administration, e-learning, webinars/wecasts, e-library, simulations... you get the pictures.

How do nurses uses trigonometry?

Trigonometry helps you to easily read the rate of heart beats of a person and their blood pressure level as well.

What would be a good career choice for you if you enjoy Trigonometry?

Architecture! That's what my maths teacher always used to say... :)Another answerAny career that uses a fair amount of mathematics. That includes, besides architecture, engineering of all kinds, and a lot of areas of science. Trigonometry is also used in various technical trades.

What is the difference between plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry?

Trigonometry is the study of plane and spherical triangles. Plane trigonometry deals with 2 Dimensional triangles like the ones you would draw on a piece of paper. But, spherical trigonometry deals with circles and 3 Dimensional triangles. Plane trigonometry uses different numbers and equations than spherical trigonometry. There's plane trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a flat surface, then there's spherical trigonometry, where you work with triangles on a sphere.

What are some everyday uses of trigonometry?

1) Surveying; 2} Architecture; 3)