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Everyday we see trees, & we take them for granted.

Ponder this beautiful creation of God's

What can we learn from a tree ?

We can learn how to give: A tree gives food, shelter, shade & oxygen to breath.

We can learn to receive: a tree is self-sufficient, but only because it uses what God has given it. It takes nutrients from the soil, fluids form the rain, & warmth from the sun to help it grow.

A tree teaches us about life: In the Spring, buds appear- it teaches us about birth & rebirth.

In the summer, by the warmth of the sun, the buds bloom into leaves or flowers-it teaches us growth.

When Autumn comes the leaves fall to the ground-it teaches about death.

In the Winter, the tree seems dead,but it's only asleep, waiting to be renewed by the sun in Spring. Somewhat like one of God's children, forgetting to follow His will. Even if our heart becomes wintery, like God's love, the sunshine of Spring will always be waiting for us.

Other things in nature can teach us too.

Snowflakes: all have six sides, but no two are alike. Each flake is beautiful in itself, but when they're all together what a breathtaking scene it becomes.

What can we learn from snow ?

People are all human, but also unique. And when we work together in love, it is inspirational.

Snow could be compared to sin, cold & icy to the Lord. But when the sunshine of His forgiveness shines on us they melt away, never to return to His thoughts again.

Stars: we look at the stars from the corner of our own little world. But think about it. Billions of people can look up & see the same exact stars.

What can we learn from stars ?

God is there for everyone. You just have to look up.

In this, I have called the sun God's love & forgiveness.

Stars are really suns.

How many stars are there in the sky ? : to numerous to count.

As many stars as there are, is how many times God will forgive us.

How far do the stars continue on ? : Forever

That's how long He will love us.

So the next time you look out you window, or take a walk, think about the trees, the snow & the stars, & what God is showing you through them.

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