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Q: What are the ways in defining a set?
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What are the 2 ways of defining the set?

tabular and rule method

What are two ways of defining a set?

(1) List the elements, and (2) Define a rule that elements of the set must fulfill.

What are the ways in describing a set?

a.Roster Method:By listing ex:A={1,3,5,7} b.Rule Method:By describing/defining ex:A={the first odd numbers}

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What is the meaning of set in mathematics?

Sets are just collections of things. A set is defined by the things that belong to it- that is if you have two sets A and B and everything that belongs to A belongs to B and everything that belongs to B belongs to A then A and B are actually the same set. An important example is the empty set - which by definition contains nothing. There is only one empty set. The things that belong to a set are calle its elements There are different ways of defining sets. You can define them by listing their elements, or you can define them by giving one or more properties that uniquely define the elements that belong to the set.

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A systematic process of staffing positions in the organization to accomplish the mission

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The locus of a point is the set of all positions that the point can occupy where it satisfies some defining function.

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a set which has no elements in it is called a null set. example - A={}.

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Another way of defining assembler is to call it chip set programming. Different chips set have different protocols but what you are doing is programming the hardest way you can