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First, you need to know a few things about the population crisis. 97% of population growth occurs in LDC's (Lesser Developed Countries). This is because the role of women in more developed countries is not only being a mother, as it is in many LDC's. In developed countries, women have careers, and are part of the working world, just like men, and many of these coutries are actually projected to have a decline in population (if Immigration is not considered).

Therefore, the first part of the solution is for developed countries to encourage LCD's develop.

But this creates some more problems...

"4.5 Earths would be required to support a global population living like an average resident of the of the US."

-Jim Leape, WWF International

On top of helping LDC's to develop, it is vital that the consumption of resources in these new developed countries is not allowed to get out of control. Similarly, the countries that are consuming out of control, have to lower their consumption rates as well.

Solving the crisis is not easy, as each potential solution creates even more problems. But it will start with helping LCD's develop, while limiting the consumption of all countries. That, along with advances in"greener" technology, and changes in social viewpoints will all be required to solve this crisis.

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