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Q: What are the words use for ranking and describing a graph?
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What graph do you use for ranking?

Usually a Histogram or Bar Graph.

Describing words about war?

Savage, brutal, vicious, and destructive are describing words that you can use about war. Other words that describe war are bloody, grim, devastating, agonizing, and fierce.

What are the uses of V-T graph?

The uses of the V-T graph include finding acceleration and describing motion. If you know what you're doing, you can also use a V-T graph to find the distance covered during some period of time.

How to write a caption for a graph effectively?

To write a caption for a graph effectively, be clear and concise, describing the key information in the graph. Include the main trend or pattern shown in the data, along with any important details or insights. Use a brief and descriptive sentence that summarizes the main point of the graph.

What Scrabble words end with the letter pH?

You can use the word, graph.

Words you can use describing someone who acts like they are royalty?

Stuck up

How do you use 3 words to describing your own university?

big or smallold or newfun or boring

What are appropriate words to describe a character?

Adjectives are words that describe so use adjectives. It depends on the character you are describing which ones you use. Some character describing adjectives are: happy sad haughty dependable unreliable trustworthy serious coldhearted

When do you use a graph?

you use a graph to see your progress

How does a line graph work?

With a line graph you use lines. You put numbers at the bottom of the graph and numbers on the side. In other words the bottom numbers are on the x axis and the numbers on the side are on the y axis. Then when you have the dots on the graph you connect them and then it makes a line.

You can use a table or graph to do what to your findings?

You can use a table or a graph to organize you findings.

What is a graph that use percentages?

Any graph can use percentages.