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The x and y axes are horizontal and vertical number lines that intersect each other at right angles at the point of origin (0, 0) on the Cartesian plane and is used to plot graphs on it by given sets of coordinates.

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Q: What are the x and y axis used for?
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Related questions

Which axis is the X and Y on?

The y-axis is vertical and the x-axis is horizontal.

Why is a y axis an x axis on a grid?

Typically the y-axis is the vertical axis and x-axis if horizontal. This is by convention and not required.This is used to plot a binomial (two variable) equation.

Where is y and x axis?

The y- axis in the vertical axis and the x-axis in the horizantal axis

Why is it called the x-axis and the y-axis and not the a-axis and b-axis - what is so special about x and y?

There is no good reason. x and y are frequently used in algebra to denote unknown variables but that again begs the same question - why not a or b?

Which comes first x axis or the y axis?

The x-axis comes first. because x comes before y.

Is a vertical like on the Y axis or the X axis?

The vertical axis is the y-axis. The horizontal axis is the x-axis.

How are ordered pairs used on a coordinate plane?

the first coordinate goes on the X axis, either positive (To the right of the Y axis) or negative (to the left of the Y axis). The second coordinate goes on the Y axis, either positive (above the X axis) or negative (below the X axis).

Where is the X axis and the Y axis in a coordinate plane?

The x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical.

What are x-axis and y-axis?

In the coordinate plane, the x-axis is horizontal, and the y-axis is vertical.

On a graph which axis is horizontal and which axis is vertical?

The convention for an x-y graph is as follows: y | | |_____ x where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical.

What does the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.

What do the x and y axis mean?

The x-axis is the horizontal axis on a graph. The y-axis is the vertical axis on a graph.