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Q: What are things that come in millions?
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How much money is it to have a celebrity come to your party?

Depends who it is it can range from thousands to millions. If they are big and A- listers its in the millions.

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There was no "first" human. All living things come from a common ancestor; a single celled organism that evolved over millions of years into human beings.

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A meteor have come to earth?

In the course of the Earth's history, millions of them have.

How come do animals with bones or shells can be found many years?

Animals with bones or shells can be found many years because these structures are hard and durable, making them resistant to decay. Fossilization processes can also preserve these structures over long periods of time, allowing them to be discovered by researchers many years later.

What are the things can do with Microsoft Word?

There are millions of things to do on microsoft word maybe even teaching it to other people!!

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It would be impossible to rid the solar system of the asteroid belt, which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Additionally, the cost would be astronomically high and the effort required would be beyond our current technological capabilities.

Why are elephants a problem?

They hit millions of people who come close to them with their tusks

How many people come to Super Bowl from out of town?

Thousands or millions

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they took loan from them

How did railroads come to own millions of acres of lands?

they took loan from them

What is the definition of mass-production?

To make things in millions on an assembly line.