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A polyhedron of 5 or more sides can always be found that has a rectangular face. So three shapes are:

  • a pentahedron (rectangle based pyramid),
  • a hexahedron (cuboid),
  • a heptahedron (pentagonal pyramid).
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Q: What are three different geometric solids that have at least one rectangular face?
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What geometric solids have at least one point?

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What is the only solid with not even one vertex?

A sphere. All other solids, including cubes, rectangular prisms, and cones all have at least one vertex.

How are alike rectangular pyramids and rectangular prisms?

They both have at least one rectangular face.

Do solids liquids and gases have different masses?

Yes, solids, liquids, and gases have different masses because their particles are packed differently. In general, solids have the most mass because their particles are closely packed, while gases have the least mass because their particles are spread out. Liquids have a mass between that of solids and gases.

Can shapes be organic or geometric?

I disagree with the post from earlier: No, only geometric. Organic means natural, not artificially improved or created. if it brought you to this when u were asking about forms not shapes the answer is not only geometric -- At least as far as art goes the following is true: Shapes can be organic, geometric or irregular. At least from the stand point of an artist.

Does a rectangular prism have at least one triangular face?

yes, it has at least three

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What is a shape that has at least one rectangular face?


Do all prisms have at least one rectangular face?

All prisms have at least 3. They all have 2 identical polygonal faces which are linked by as many rectangular faces as they have edges.

What 3 solids have at least 2 faces?

A circle

What figure do not have a least 1 rectangular face?

triangular prism

Can a geometric solid exist in a plane?

no,A solid equire at least three dimensions to exist.