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Q: What are three events in Sophie Germain's life?
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Who was important in Sophie germains life?

her family and her teachers and espesically gauss the teacher which brought her into school

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three events were why dont you look in your text book lazy buts

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Sophie was unmarried her whole life.

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Peter witnessed many more than 3 events in Jesus life, as he was with him for the three years of his ministry, but i suppose the most important came at the end of Jesus life, which were, his Crucifixion, his resurrection and his ascension.

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Alfred Nobel had three known significant love interests: Sophie Hess, another named unknown, and Bertha von Suttner. Sophie Hess was possibly the most influential in his life, but it was Bertha von Suttner who had a lasting impact on him through her peace activism and writings.

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Sophie, eres el amor de mi vida.

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Did Sophie germain have any important jobs in her life?

a mahamation