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Q: What are three examples of Congruent triangles in real life?
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How are congruent triangles used in everyday life?


Where all you apply congruent triangles in your daily life?


Examples in real life of congruent objects?

That's Easy, basketballs and soccer balls. or... Doors maybe even twins or boxes or perhaps cakes. even in bridges (hoogly bridge) have many congruent triangles!! try this link.....if u r interested....

How are congruent triangles used in real life?

Mostly congruent triangles are used for construction of things like bridges and buildings because they are considered more stable and strong to use (i hope that helps i had to learn this for a project)

What are the examples of congruent objects that are used in your daily life?


How significant is the concept of congruent triangle to your life?

By having congruent triangles the ramps up which I drive my car are equal and the whole experience is safe. So very significant.

Real life examples of obtuse triangles?

Clothes Hangers

How to write Model project for congruent triangles class 9?

if you want to make project for this topic i prefer these headings: Introduction The types or tests Examples regarding diagrams for further explanation It's use in real life

What are two real life examples of congruent circles?

soccer ball basketball

How are similar triangles used in everyday life?

we use triangles in our everyday life.while constructing buildings,different chain modals,cookery items,etc. are some examples of triangles that we use in our everyday life.

Examples of obtuse triangles in real life?

the peak of a roof is a good one it is mostly obtuse

You are looking for real life examples of acute triangles?

A Spy Plane is an example of Acute Triangle.... >> njoy