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Q: What are three interesting points about scientific journals and magazines?
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A periodical index is used to find specific articles, essays, or information published in magazines, journals, or newspapers on a wide variety of subjects. It helps users locate relevant sources by providing access points like author names, subject headings, and publication titles.

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because it is an interesting place

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It is not possible to convert a number with 2 decimal points into scientific notation.

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The radar detector reviews are given in specialist journals and also some are given online for more people to reads. These will say what the high points and low points are for the customer to decide upon.

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*New scientific knowledge

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I'm assuming he has some sort of interesting with you, and likes you.

What are the some scientific view points about life?

WE ARE ONE. WE ARE STARDUST. hope this helps

What is the Scientific notation for 384.32?

It is: 3.8432*10^2

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An impossibility because you can't have two decimal points in a number

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Which components is part of the crankshaft?

The crankshaft is a single piece of steel going the length of the engine. The offsets, called journals, the attachment points for each rod/piston to transfer the explosive force of fuel combustion in the cylinder. The "parts" of an assembled crank or "sections" of a forged crank include; Crank nose where the pulley and dampener are attached, Crank journals where the rods/pistons attach, main journals around the primary axis of rotation, and counter weights to smooth out the rotation.

What number is 4.000310.7 in scientific notation?

There is no such number because you can't have two decimal points in a number