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Q: What are three methods of restoring data you learned about in this lab?
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A data is used in which part of the experiment?

Science methods is part of the experiment. This is taught in science.

When restoring an ipod COMMA does it lose all of its data previously on it?

Restoring an Apple Device takes it back to factory settings so yes, it wipes the device's previous data. Best to back it up before restoring

Methods for data processing?

Data in datawarehouse must be processed before using it. There are three steps in data processing extraction, transformation and loading.

Does restoring your ipod touch get rid of data?

for sure

What are the methods of data communication?

Three types of methods 1-Simplex 2-Half Duplex 3-Full Duplex 4-Serial

What is PC backup good for?

For restoring data if your computer dies.

Are recovery programs helpful when restoring computers?

Recovery programs are helpful when restoring computer because they help salvage data. They use data taken as backups by the computer and make it useable again.

What are the three main methods of data collection?

Focus Group Discussion, Community interview and questineerType your answer here...

What are the three primary data gathering methods?

The three primary data gathering methods are surveys, observations, and interviews. Surveys involve asking individuals a set of questions to collect information. Observations involve watching and recording behaviors or events. Interviews involve direct communication with individuals to gather data.

What are the methods in collect data?

There are five different methods in collecting data. The methods in data collect are registration, questionnaires, interviews, direct observations, and reporting.

How should a company test the integrity of its backup data?

By restoring part of the backup

What process is involved in in all methods of testing hypotheses?

Data Collection is involved in all methods of testing hypotheses.