The sum of the number of digits in all the numbers between 31 and 400 inclusive is 1041.
Counting all integers from 1 to 238 inclusive, there are 606 digits between these two numbers.
I assume you mean significant digits. All digits are significant. A zero between other digits is always significant.
This cannot be answered. This will have to be written to where it can be understood.
There are 6484 digits BETWEEN the two given numbers.
The sum of the number of digits in all the numbers between 31 and 400 inclusive is 1041.
I believe here are 51 such numbers.
Counting all integers from 1 to 238 inclusive, there are 606 digits between these two numbers.
There are 167960 9 digits combinations between numbers 1 and 20.
Answer: There are six. Answer: There is no such thing as "significant numbers". I assume you mean "significant digits". All digits are significant in this case - a zero (or more than one zero) between other digits is always significant.
I assume you mean significant digits. All digits are significant. A zero between other digits is always significant.
This cannot be answered. This will have to be written to where it can be understood.
13 and 22