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Q: What are three other words for disown?
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How would you use disown in a sentence?

you gotta disown that truck

How do you make a sentence with disown?

He decided to disown his irresponsible brother after years of disappointment.

How do you use disown in a sentence?

One sentence using the word disown could be: "If you don't raise my grandchildren "properly", I'll disown you!"

What does it mean when someone is asked to renounce a throne?

When someone is asked to renounce a throne, he or she is being asked to give up his or her throne. In other words, the person is being asked to disown the throne.

How do you use the word disown in a sentence?

I would disown my son if he were a murderer.

Can you disown a wolf in minecraft?

The only way you can disown a wolf is to kill it.

Can you disown partial inheritance?

You cannot disown inheritance, but you can refuse to accept it. This is called renunciation or a disclaimer.

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Why did I have to disown my son to eliminate him from my will but I didn't have to disown my mother when I took her out of my will?

Your mother is not considered a natural heir, as you are expected to outlive her. And there is no need to 'disown' a child, you simply have to name them and say they don't get anything.

What are three other compound words?

Compound words with "other" include otherwise, other than and each other.

What are other words for saw?

Three other words instead of saw : stared looked watched

Which of these words is not a euphemism for the other words grotesque hideous peculiar abnormal?

Peculiar can be considered a euphemism for the other three, so that means one of the other three would not be one.