if you mean what three prime numbers add up to a prime number then the answer is : 5 + 7 + 11 = 23
Multitudes of combinations...in what context? Prime numbers or what?
the answer is (41,2,and73)
59, 5 and 3
73, 5 and 2
if you mean what three prime numbers add up to a prime number then the answer is : 5 + 7 + 11 = 23
83, 3,and 2 are prime numbers which add up to 88.
Multitudes of combinations...in what context? Prime numbers or what?
you where no help at all
the answer is (41,2,and73)
5 + 7 + 11 = 23
131, 7 and 2
103, 7, 3
53, 5, 2
73, 5 and 2
61 + 3 + 2