Negative twenty nine minus negative twenty one is negative eight.
Nine million, eight hundred nine thousand, eight hundred twenty one.It is nine million eight hundred nine thousand eight hundred twenty one.
six hundred and twenty-one point nine
29th or twenty-ninth
chris gayle
He is a power hitter too.He hit 188 sixes in odis.
Yuvraj Singh
The spelling is "twenty aught nine" or twenty-oh-nine, an expression for the year 2009.
29,000,000,000,023 is read as twenty-nine-trillion- twenty-three.
ur an idiot how do u not know what nine twenty fifths is it's .36
twety-nine thousand twenty-nine twety-nine thousand twenty-nine
Neunundzwanzig = nine and twenty - as in the old English way of counting.
$29.99 is spelled like this: twenty nine dollars and ninety nine cents. 29.99 as a whole number and decimal would be: twenty nine point ninety nine or twenty nine and ninety nine hundredths.
The number twenty nine in Maori is "tekau mā iwa."
Negative twenty nine minus negative twenty one is negative eight.