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they are vertical angles

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Q: What are two angles whos sides are opposite rays?
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If the question refers to, What are Two angles that total 180° ? then :-These angles are supplementary angles.

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someome whos welcome

An angle whos measure have a sum of 90 degrees?

The sum of two complementary angles is 90 degrees.

Two angles whos sum is 180 degrees?

The term supplementary angle is used to refer to angles whose sum is 180 degrees. This is different from complementary angles which add up to 90 degrees.

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If the given numbers represent degrees then it is a right angle triangle whos 3 angles add up to 180 degrees.

The sum of 2 acute angles is always obtuse angles?

I'm not sure I understand your actual question, but what you are actually asking with the wording is false. Two 30 degree angles would both be acute angles whos sum would only create another acute angle of 60 degrees. But if you have 2 acute angles, then the third would have to be obtuse to form a triangle.

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greystripe's mate is silverstream,whos father is croockedstar,whos brother is oakheart,whos mate is bluestar,whos sister is snowfur,whos son is whitestorm,whos daughter is sorreltail,whos mate is brackenfur,whos sister is cinderpelt,whos sister is brightheart,whos mate is cloudtail,whos uncle is firestar

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Just divide 30 by 4 because a square has 4 equal sides. 30/4=7.5

What is the 3rd angle of a triangle whos first 2 angles are 34 and 105?

The three angles in a triangle add up to 180o so if you add the two you know, 34 and 105, you get 139o. Taking 139 from 180 gives 41, so the third angle is 41o.