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Q: What are two different parallelograms with no right angles?
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Does a paralellogram have right angles?

a parallelogram is a 4 sided polygon with two pair of parallel sides. So squares and rectangles are parallelograms since they have 2 pair of parallel sides and yes they have right angles, BUT most parallelograms do not have right angles. So the answer is it may have them, but does not need to have them

If two parallelograms are similar then the corresponding angles are what?

If two parallelograms are similar then the corresponding angles are EQUAL.

Which figures can have right angles but are not parallelograms?

A trapezoid or an irregular pentagon are two examples.

Why does a parallelogram have two pairs of parallel sides?

That is how it is defined: parallelograms have two sides that have congruent adjacent angles, so that the remaining two sides must be parallel and equal in length. Parallelograms include rectangles (all right angles), squares (all right angles), rhomboids, and rhombi (the latter two have congruent but non-right angles, and a rhombus has 4 equal sides).

Is it true some rectangles are not parallelograms?

No. All rectangles are parallelograms, specifically those with two pair of parallel sides and all right angles.

What shape has Two pairs of parallel sides with no right angles?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides. Some parallelograms, such as squares and rectangles have right angles, but most do not. So the answer is a parallelograms that is not a rectangle (square).

Does a paralletogram have two right angles and two obtuse angles?

No because all parallelograms have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees. So 2 right angles and 2 obtuse angles would be greater than 360 degrees.

Does a parallelogram have right angles?

a parallelogram is a 4 sided polygon with two pair of parallel sides. So squares and rectangles are parallelograms since they have 2 pair of parallel sides and yes they have right angles, BUT most parallelograms do not have right angles. So the answer is it may have them, but does not need to have them

What do all rectangles have that some parallelograms do not have?

Rectangles have 4 rift angles and some parallelogram doesn't have 4 right angles. Only two parallelogram has 4 right angles , square and rectangle

What are two ways a rectangle and a square are alike?

Both have 2 pairs of opposite parallel sidesBoth have 4 interior right angles

How many congruent angles does a parallelograms?

Two pairs.

In a parallelogram are all angles right?

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral (four-sided polygon) with two pairs of parallel sides. By definition, a parallelogram does not need to have all right angles. Think of rhombuses, which do not have any right angles, yet are parallelograms. Therefore, the answer is no.