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Q: What are two different ways you can measure exactly 1 liter?
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What are some tools that are used in rock quarries?

== == A scale to measure the rock in different ways. That is only one of the ways though. A scale to measure the rock in different ways. That is only one of the ways though.

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there are two different ways, you will find one in your neck and one in your wrist.

How many Kilograms does 1 liter of water weighs?

1 Litre of water ways exactly 1 kilogram because water has a density of exactly 1 g/cm3.

How many different ways are there to measure a puddle?

Very many ways. Some of the things you can measure are its:volumeareadepthtemperaturetemperature gradient with depthrate of evaporationrate of absorption into the soilpurity

How many different ways you can write 15?

Not exactly sure what you mean. There is 15 and fifteen

What unit of measure would you use to measure the length of a school gym?

there are many different ways but I would go with yards.

Can you measure progress?

Yes, you certainly can. But what you need first is a good operational definition of progress. You will measure the characteristics of success that you have made 'operational' by your definition. It goes without saying that there are many different ways to think of success and to determine whether or not it has been met. That is exactly why an operational definition is necessary.

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They both measure air pressure, but in different ways

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Maybe both. Hamlet's character can be interpreted in many different ways.

What is the normal cholesterol level for my age?

There are different ways to measure cholesterol. A value of below 4mmol/L is recommended. Other countries measure it in a different format but it all works out the same.

What are the different ways ancient people use to measure time?

Using the: -Sun -Moon -Seasons - Tides

What are the different ways to measure photosynthesis in plants?

There are several methods to measure photosynthesis in plants, including using a gas exchange system to measure oxygen production, using a spectrophotometer to measure chlorophyll levels, and using a fluorometer to measure the efficiency of photosystem II.