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Q: What are two disadvantages of numerical?
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What are the Disadvantages of numerical filing system?

A numerical filing system will need a way to look up a patient's name in order to get their chart number. This can take a little longer than simply finding a file by alphabetical order.

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The numerical form of the number you asked is $1,200,000,000.

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The standard or numerical form is 347,060,076,982,002

What is two hundred and three and two tenths?

Two hundred and three and two tenths can be written as 203.2 in numerical form.

What is one plus one in numerical terms?

Two. One plus one is, and always will be, two.

Advantages and disadvantages of direct numerical controls?

Some advantages to direct numerical controls includes that it improves the available memory and it stores the data elsewhere but can send it directly to the machine. A disadvantage includes the possibility of hackers getting to the data since it is stored somewhere else.

The binary system of numbers which has two numerical digits?

Zero and one.