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Speed = (distance covered) divided by (time to cover the distance)

Speed = (magnitude of acceleration) multiplied by (time the acceleration has acted)

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Q: What are two equations for speed?
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What are two equations for two lines that will intersect all the time?

They are simultaneous equations.

How many scaler equations in Maxwell's equations?

Maxwell's equations contain two scalar equations and two vector equations. Gauss' law and Gauss' law for magnetism are the scalar equations. The Maxwell-Faraday equation and Ampere's circuital law are the vector equations.

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A system of equations.

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Two equations are independent when one is not a linear combination of the other.

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A system of equations.

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There are many ways quadratic equations are used in the real world. These equations are used to calculate area, speed and profit

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Equations can be tricky, and solving two step equations is an important step beyond solving equations in one step. Solving two-step equations will help introduce students to solving equations in multiple steps, a skill necessary in Algebra I and II. To solve these types of equations, we use additive and multiplicative inverses to isolate and solve for the variable. Solving Two Step Equations Involving Fractions This video explains how to solve two step equations involving fractions.

What are some equations for speed and velocity?

speed=distance/time. velocity=distance/time+direction.

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The two equations represent parallel lines.

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equal equations.

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The slopes (gradients) of the two equations are different.

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Simultaneous equations have at least two unknown variables.