Multiply the numerator (top) and the denominator (bottom) of the fraction by any non-zero number. You will have an equivalent fraction.
So, 600/720 or 120/144 are two examples.
Two equivalent fractions for 45 over 60 are 3/4 and 9/12. These fractions are equivalent because they represent the same proportion or amount.
21 over 30 and 7 over 10
4/5, 8/10
50/60 and 55/66 are two.
34/40, 51/60
Two equivalent fractions for 45 over 60 are 3/4 and 9/12. These fractions are equivalent because they represent the same proportion or amount.
1/2 or 60/120
21 over 30 and 7 over 10
45/60 = 15/20 = 3/4
60/70, 600/700
4/5, 8/10
equivalent fractions for 80 over 60 = 8/6, 40/30, 4/3
50/60 and 55/66 are two.
2/12 or 10/60 are two of infinitely many examples.
60 over 100 and 6 over 10
34/40, 51/60
3/7 and 6/14