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paying taxes, recycling

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Q: What are two examples of contributing to the common good?
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What are examples of two liquids?

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700 and 7000 are two examples.

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Two examples of compounds that are solids?

Common domestic examples are table salt NaCl and sugar C12H22O11.

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Two common examples of evaporation are water evaporating from the surface of a swimming pool on a sunny day and clothes drying on a washing line after being washed.

What is two examples of minerals necessary for good health?

Well, they are all important but two examples would be calcium and magnesium.

What is a good sight to upload photos from?

Two good examples are Photobucket and Imageshack.

What are two examples of good health?

Two example of good health is (1) exercise and eating health (2) Good hygiene are two example of good health.

What are two examples of common units of measuring?

Your height (centimetres) and mass (kilograms).

What are two examples of screw?

A screw used to hold two pieces of wood together, and a screw used to attach a light bulb in a lamp are common examples of screws.

What are two good examples of conductors?

Almost all metals are good conductors and the two most typical are copper and silver.