A mathematical sentence consists of combined expressions using a comparison operator. It also creates a relationship between two expressions to create facts.
An equality.
Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by Answers.com means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "equals". There is equation (or inequality in the question, only two expressions. It is not possible to solve expressions.
an inequality
Depending on the comparison operator used, that's either an equation, or an inequality.
The condition.
A mathematical sentence consists of combined expressions using a comparison operator. It also creates a relationship between two expressions to create facts.
The comparison of two objects that are unlike each other is called a:
It is a set of three expressions , two variable and one constant. There are no operations defined for them, not any symbols of equality or inequality.
A statement that equates two equivalent expressions is called an Identity.
Two expressions. Two expressions. Two expressions. Two expressions.
An equation.
An equation.
What is called a statement of comparing of two or more different quantities