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Q: What are two factors that contribute to the earth having an energy budget less than zero?
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What is the primary disadvantage to having to having a total consumption budget?

With a total consumption budget, there is no net income or savings.

What are the factors that contribute to good grooming?

Factors that contribute to good grooming are: Physical exercise Eating balanced diet Cleaning the body and wearing appropriate, clean fitting clothes Good body posture Good interpersonal relationship Having enough sleep and rest.

Why is having a home budget essential?


What are the factors contribute to sound outlook in life?

Factors that contribute to a positive outlook on life include having a strong support system, engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, setting realistic goals, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise and proper self-care.

What are the factors of good conductor?

Factors that contribute to being a good conductor include having a high density of free electrons, low resistance to the flow of electricity, and a crystalline structure that allows for efficient electron movement. Materials like metals are typically good conductors due to these factors.

What is a total disadvantage to having a total consumption budget?

With a total consumption budget, there is no net income or savings.

What is primary disadvantage to having a total consumption budget?

With a total consumption budget, there is no net income or savings.

Why is creating a budget important?

Creating a budget is important because they keep you focused. Having a budget to look at will keep you from over spending in other areas.

What are functional budgets?

A functional budget is a budget that has a purpose and works well for the company or individual using the budget. Having a functional budget is important so finaces stay in order and are accurate.

Is there anything in your environment that contributes to someone having autism?

A person does not 'have' autism, a person is Autistic. Autism is a neurological variation that results from genetics, there's nothing conclusive to say that environmental factors contribute to this.

What are advantages of having a budget?

Having a budget means you can keep track of your finances easier. Recording what you spend, how much and when means you can track patterns of spending and work towards saving better.

What would increase the risk of a loan?

Risk of loan can be increased by your budget for instance not having proper and effective budget planning