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Q: What are two integers that have difference of negative 11 and sum of negative 3?
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Related questions

When is the sum of two integers less than the difference?

When the integers are negative.

The Sum of 2 negative integers is always negative?

the sum of two negative integers is ALWAYS negative

Is the sum of two negative integers always negative?

Yes, the sum of two negative integers is always negative.

If two integers have a sum of 16 and the difference between the integers and 8 and negative 8 then what are the two integers?

if you were to do it as a fraction the two integers would be 1 and a half. your welcome:] !!!

Is the sum of 2 negative integers never positive?

The sum of two negative integers is never positive.

Why isn't the sum of two integers always greater than the difference between them?

That's because the integers may be negative. For example, the sum of (-6) and (-6) is (-12), which is less than their difference (0).

Is the sum of two opposite integers always positive?

Yes, the sum of two negative integers is always negative.

The sum of two negative integers is a positive integer?

No, the sum of two negative integers is not a positive integer. For example, if you add -5 and -6 together the sum would be -11.

How do add two integers and get a negative answer?

If the larger of the two integers is negative, then their sum is negative, regardless of the sign of the smaller one.

What are two positive integers that have a sum of -18 and a product of 88?

Two positive integers cannot have a sum which is negative!

Is the sum of two integers positive negative or zero?

The sum of two positive integers is positive. The sum of two negative integers is negative. The sum of one positive integer and one negative integer has the same sign as the addend with the greater absolute value. If the absolute values of the two addends are equal, the sum is zero.

Are the sum of two negative integers positive?

No. Two negative integers added together will never equal a positive integer. It is the product of two negative integers that is positive.