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It is called Viagra

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Q: What are two lines that form a v called?
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Is a v a line of symmetry?

No. A v is not a line but two intersecting lines.

What is the v-shaped meeting point of two lines?

An angle

Is v a perpendicular line?

A 'v' does not make a perpendicular line. Perpendicular lines meet each other at a ninety degree angle, whereas the angle made by the two lines in a 'v' is closer to forty-five degrees. A letter that has two perpendicular lines is the letter 'T'.

What do Contour lines that bend to form a v shape indicate?

It means a small difference in elevation, let's say, for an example, a river.

How can you use two slanted lines to represent the number 5?

Use roman numerals, 5 in roman numerals is V. Which can be made using two slanted lines.

How many capital letters are made with only two straight lines?


Does 91 Chevy s-10 v-6 have two fuel lines to carburetor?

It doesn't have a carburetor. It has throttle body fuel injection and yes it has two fuel lines. One is the feed and the other is the return.

How many sides does a chevron have?

A chevron as it is defined by is a 'V' shaped insignia referring to military rank. Therefore two-dimensionally as well as three-dimensionally it has four(4) sides; two-dimensionally it is two lines that 'v' each of those lines are defined having 2 sides. Three-dimensionally it has a Top, Bottom, an Inverse as well as an Obverse.

How could you tell whether a topographic map shows a gradual slope?

A topographic map showing a gradual slope will have contour lines that are evenly spaced and spread out, indicating a gentle change in elevation over a large area. The contour lines will be further apart, and there will be fewer lines to indicate the slope is gradual. Additionally, if the contour lines form shallow V-shapes, it suggests a gradual slope.

What is W?

The W descends from the Latin V, which was originally used for the u,v and w sounds. Julius was written ivlivs. After the 11th Century writers began differentiating the sounds, using the round u form for u and the v form for v sounds.A little later the W appeared, made from two "V"s (called "U"s), for the consonant u sound at the beginning of a word and the vocalic u sound at the end of a syllable.

How do you you write 2.6 in word form?

two and 6 tenths

What do V-shaped contour lines indicate when the point uphill?

V-shaped contour lines indicate a valley or a depression when the point is uphill. The V-shape of the contour lines indicates that the elevation is decreasing in that direction, forming a valley or depression.