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Q: What are two other terms that can be used to mean the same as imprisoned?
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Why do you think there are sometimes two or even three medical terms that mean the same?

Multiple medical terms for the same concept usually are due to translating into multiple subfields. The prefixes or the Latin terms chosen for the terms are specific depending on the field or subfield in medicine. In other words, the terms help to translate over to the other professions better than other terms.

What does the word mean mean in mathematical terms?

"Arithmetic mean" means the same as average. "Mean", without qualifiers, usually refers to the arithmetic mean. However, there are other types of "means", for example, the geometric mean.

Which two math terms means about the same median ratio mean average?

Mean and average are the same.

What does corresponding mean in mathematical terms?

The Same Position

What does differs mean?

In math terms difference means to subtract. :)not the same not the same

What does difference mean?

In math terms difference means to subtract. :)not the same not the same

In order for terms to be like terms they must have?

"Like terms" are terms whose variables (and their exponents such as the 2 in x2) are the same. In other words, terms that are "like" each other.

What in medical terms does being the same throughout mean?


What does like terms mean?

Like terms are terms with the same variable to the same power. Examples: 2y and 3y are like terms. 2y and 2z are not like terms 4y squared and 3y squared are like terms 4y squared and 3y are not like terms

What do you call terms in math that almost mean the same thing?
