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Golgi tendon Muscle spindles
They tell the body where it is and how it is positioned.
Proprioceptors do not belong in the grouping, as they are sensory receptors responsible for detecting body position and movement, while rods, cones, and photoreceptors are sensory receptors responsible for detecting light and color in the eyes.
Proprioceptors are sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length, and muscle tension, which is integrated to give information about the position of the limb in space.
The main job of proprioceptors is to recieve stimulus about body position, posture, and movement. In other words, they are the things that tells the brain where the body is and what it is doing.
A. Inferior olivary nucleus
Proprioceptors, stretch-reflex receptors.
Examples of proprioceptors include muscle spindles, Golgi tendon organs, and joint receptors. These sensory receptors play a role in providing information about body position, movement, and muscle tension to the central nervous system.
Proprioceptors are classified by their location within the body and their function in providing feedback about body position, movement, and balance. They can be further categorized as muscle spindles, golgi tendon organs, and joint receptors.