2 rays that form an angle
(sorry I like to keep previous answers on incase they are helpful)
The two rays that form an angle are called the legs or sides of the angle. The meeting point of the two rays that form an angle is called the vertex.
Will Any two rays form an angle?
Two intersecting rays form an angle. Without two rays you do not have an angle.
They are called rays.
They can form an angle of nay measure.
The two rays that form an angle are called the legs or sides of the angle. The meeting point of the two rays that form an angle is called the vertex.
In planar geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle.
Will Any two rays form an angle?
Two intersecting rays form an angle. Without two rays you do not have an angle.
They are called rays.
Two rays that share an endpoint form an angle.
the vertex is the point where two rays begin and form and angle
Two intersecting rays.
right angle
two rays make up an angle, so the rays are the sides of the angle.