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Q: What are two real world examples of a habitat?
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If you asking where you'd find them in the real world - Binoculars and telescopes are two examples.

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A pool hall, a sporting goods store

What are some examples of two species dividing a niche or habitat?

An example of two species dividing a habitat is when different species of warblers occupy different levels in a forest canopy to avoid direct competition for resources. Another example is when different species of hummingbirds have evolved different flower preferences based on tube length, allowing them to coexist in the same habitat by feeding on different types of flowers.

What are two real world examples of geothermal energy and how it is used to power technology?

Geothermal power plants in Iceland harness the heat from underground reservoirs to generate electricity and provide heating to homes and businesses. Geothermal heat pumps are used in many buildings worldwide to provide heating, cooling, and hot water by leveraging the stable temperature of the earth's subsurface.

What are two real world examples of a biosphere?

There is only one biosphere. The biosphere is the culmination of all life on Earth, hence, sphere.

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two examples that scince can answer is why is the weather changing in why is the world changing

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The xylophone and timpani are two examples.

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When two angles have common vertex and side but do not overlap, they are said to be adjacent angles. Some real examples are intersection of two roads, hands of a clock etc.