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Q: What are two relatively prime natural numbers that are each greater than 50?
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Related questions

Is 0 relatively prime to everything?

No. The concept of prime is defined only for natural numbers greater than 1.

What are the realitivly prime numbers?

Any number greater than one can be relatively prime. Two relatively prime numbers have a GCF of 1.

Is 1 a relatively prime?

No. The concept of prime is defined only for natural numbers greater than 1.

What are all the relatively prime numbers up to 50?

All of them. Any number greater than one can be relatively prime.

What is the difference between relatively prime and not relatively prime?

Numbers called relatively prime or mutually prime have no common factors or divisors other than 1. Numbers having any common factors or divisors greater than 1 are not relatively or mutually prime.

Is consecutive natural numbers are always relatively prime?


What are the relatively prime numbers between 1 and 100000?

Any number greater than one can potentially be relatively prime with another.

Are 39 and 45 relatively prime?

39 and 45 are not relatively prime because they have 3 as a common factor. Relatively prime numbers have no common factor greater than 1.

Is it true that two distinct prime numbers can are relatively prime?

It is true. Two numbers are relatively prime if they do not have any factors in common greater than 1. A prime number has only two factors - 1 and itself. Thus, two different prime numbers will only have 1 as a common factor, which means they are relatively prime.

What are two numbers that have no common factors greater than 1?

Such numbers, like 4 and 9, are called relatively prime or co-prime.

What is relitivly prime?

Two numbers are relatively prime if their greatest common divisor (GCD) is 1. In other words, there is no positive integer greater than 1 that divides both of the numbers. For example, 7 and 12 are relatively prime, but 10 and 15 are not, as their GCD is 5.

Are any two prime numbers relatively prime?

Any two prime numbers will be relatively prime. Numbers are relatively prime if they do not have any prime factors in common. Prime numbers have only themselves as prime factors, so all prime numbers are relatively prime to the others.