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Q: What are two social factors that could be used in the creation of a stratified sample?
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a highly complex and stratified social system

Are all societies stratified?

Yes, all societies are stratified to some extent. Stratification refers to the division of society into different layers or classes based on factors such as wealth, power, and social status. These divisions create inequality and shape individuals' opportunities and life experiences within a society.

Do all social hazards result from an individual lifestyle choice?

No, not all social hazards result from individual lifestyle choices. Social hazards can also stem from factors such as systemic inequality, poverty, discrimination, and lack of access to resources or opportunities. These factors can contribute to the creation and perpetuation of social hazards that impact individuals and communities.

Which kind of sample is most frequently used by social scientists?

Social scientists most often use a random sample

What are social classes and what factor in early villages lead to their development?

Social classes are hierarchical divisions in society based on factors like wealth, power, and status. In early villages, the development of social classes was largely influenced by the control of resources such as land, food surplus, and specialized skills. This led to the emergence of elites who controlled these resources, creating a stratified society.

Economic basis does not explain sociological basis for the creation of social classes who said this?

This statement reflects the view of Karl Marx, a prominent sociologist and economist, who believed that social classes are not solely determined by economic factors but also shaped by social relations, power dynamics, and cultural values. Marx argued that the creation and maintenance of social classes are influenced by a complex interplay of economic, political, and cultural forces in society.

Why did the creation of the industrial society create such a greater imbalance of social inequality?

The creation of the industrial society led to social inequality due to factors such as the concentration of wealth in the hands of industrialists, exploitation of workers in factories, and unequal access to resources and opportunities. The shift from agrarian economies to industrialized ones also disrupted traditional social structures, leading to further disparities between different social classes.

How does social factors influence social policy?

Social factors have a huge impact on social policies. As the norms in society change and evolve so do the social policies.

Is Social Epistemology is the goal of all Epistemology?

No, social epistemology is not the goal of all epistemology. While social epistemology focuses on how social factors influence knowledge creation and dissemination, traditional epistemology explores the nature of knowledge, truth, belief, and justification without necessarily emphasizing the social aspect. Both branches of epistemology are valuable in understanding different facets of knowledge.

Why do you think the worlds nations are moving to a social class system stratification?

There are multiple factors driving the move towards social class stratification, including economic inequality, globalization, cultural attitudes towards success and status, and historical legacies of class divisions. These factors contribute to the creation and reinforcement of social hierarchies that can perpetuate disparities in wealth, power, and opportunity within societies.

What is the subject of the movie the social network?

It follows the creation of