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Q: What are two types of whole-part hierarchies?
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What is the plural of hierarchy?

The plural form of hierarchy is hierarchies.

Explain the concept of program and project hierarchies with examples?

explain the concepts of program and project hierarchies

How are hierarchies similar between Japan and Europe?

Europe and Japan were both feudal societies. Feudal systems contain hierarchies. The hierarchies in Japan and Europe were similar: king/emperor on the top, nobles next, then knights/samurai, then merchants and craftsmen, and lastly, peasants and serfs.

What are the similarities between socialism and anarchism?

Both include communal ownership of the means of production, and both are against economical hierarchies. While socialism at it's core is only against economical hierarchies, anarchism is against all hierarchies, be they economical, political, social, racial or sexistic.

The three principal levels of hierarchies within a business organization are?

The three principal levels of hierarchies within a business organization are: 1. Functional 2. Business 3. Corporate

Which symbols do you use to expand and collapse the display of folder hierarchies?

+ and -

The ideology that argued for the restoration of social and religious hierarchies was?


Which is correct grammar Two Different types or Two types?

Two types. By saying there are two 'types' you are already stating that there are 2 differentthings and so the word 'different' isn't necessary.

What is the Master List of Newsgroup Hierarchies?

A page listing hundreds of local and regional newsgroup hierarchies carried through the Usenet discussion group network.

What has the author Lisbeth Mark written?

Lisbeth Mark has written: 'The book of hierarchies' -- subject(s): Curiosities and wonders, Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Handbooks, manuals, Hierarchies, Manners and customs, Precedence

What are the two types of bacteria?

two types are parasitic and saprophytic

How are social hierarchies different from set social structures?

Social hierarchies refer to the ranking of individuals or groups based on factors like power, wealth, or status, and can be fluid and change over time. Set social structures, on the other hand, are more fixed patterns of social organization that dictate roles, relationships, and behaviors within a society. While social hierarchies can exist within set social structures, they are not synonymous as hierarchies can shift within different structures.