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Q: What are two ways to exit out of a program?
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You should actually use the File feature of the program (which includes the Exit option) to properly shut down/exit/close the application.

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Not sure what you mean by this question - using the exit call will exit a C program:exit (0) ;

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How do you uninstall tuneclone?

Right click the icon of TuneClone at the bottom right corner of the desktop. Choose "Exit" to exit the program in the appeared menu. Then, uninstall the program.

How do you end a program in computer?

There are several ways to achieve this programmatically. The normal method is to return from main function. However you can also forcibly terminate a program from any function using exit or abort. A program will also exit if an unhandled exception is thrown. A user can typically exit a program by closing its window, or by using the program's system menu, file menu, or via a keyboard shortcut such as ALT+F4. If the program has unsaved data you will be prompted. One program may also close another by posting an app_exit message on the system queue. This is how the operating system instructs programs to close when you choose shutdown or restart, allowing you to save any unsaved data in the process (or cancel the shutdown).

How do you exit programs on a touchssreen computer?

Like on other aspects of the programs, there will be items on the screen to touch, like open a menu with an exit option, to enable them to exit the program.