1*375 10*37.5
The two prime numbers that are factors of 375 are 3 and 5!
375 = 75 X 5(product is the result when you multiply the multiplicand and multiplier)
"Product" is a binary operation. That means you need two numbers before you can have a product. So 34 does not have a product and so there is no way to find it!
2x47 and 1x94
1*375 10*37.5
The two prime numbers that are factors of 375 are 3 and 5!
375 = 75 X 5(product is the result when you multiply the multiplicand and multiplier)
write the product of 117 two different ways
375 multiplied by 65 is 24,375.
156 x 375 = 58500
1 * 117 and -1 * -117 are two ways.
It is: 3*5*5*5 = 375 or as 3*5^3 = 375
Ah, what a happy little math problem we have here! To find two numbers that multiply to 375, we can think of numbers that divide evenly into 375. One pair of numbers that work beautifully are 15 and 25. They come together like old friends to create a lovely product of 375.
The product is 375
2x47 and 1x94