(2) Vair-ree.
There are 2 syllables in the word science. To help you, clap out the words. Like, sci- ence. That's 2. And in dog, there is one. In farmer, there are 2.
In-to has two syllables.
There are two (2) syllables
some-how has two syllables.
one word, but 2 syllables. Spelled: payback. :)
The word changed has one syllable.
Juice box is actually two separate words rather than one. However, each word has one syllable so, yes, it is two syllables.
Some words with two syllables that start with D are:dentistdonkeydaggerdevildimpledragondaughterdaddydampendrippingdoughnutdungeondeadbeatdreadfuldamagedoubtfuldangledecentdapperdeltadoweldappledriverdelugedaisy
"Couches" has two syllables. The syllables are "couch" and "es."
There are two (2) syllables in cookies.cook-ies
there are 2 syllables in the words feelings.
they both have 2 syllables . bedroom has 2 syllables in the word and campfire has 2 syllables in the word.
The word whispers has two syllables.
There are two syllables in the word "duties."