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If the sum of two angles is 180° then they are called supplementary angles.

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Q: What are twon angles called if the sum of their measures is equal to 180 degrees?
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What are 2 angles called if the sum of their measures is equal to 180?

The angles that are equal to 180 are called supplementary angles. The angles that equal 90 degrees are called complimentary.

Is the sum of the measures of the angles of a quadrilateral equal to 180 degrees?

No. Only the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle equal to 180 degrees; in the case of a quadrilateral it amounts to 360 degrees.

What are two angles that the sum of their measures equal 90 degrees?

They are complementary angles

What are two angles called if the sum of their measures is equal to 180 degrees?

the answer is the is right angle and cute angle

What are angles with equal measures called?

Congruent angles

Are two supplementary angles with equal measures right angles?

Yes, because supplementary angles equal 180 degrees.

Two angles whose combined measures equal 180 degrees?

These are supplementary angles

Interior and exterior angles of a 30 sided polygon?

The total of the interior angles equal 5040, and each angle measures 168 degrees The total of the exterior angles equal 360, and each angle measures 12 degrees

What is a angle with equal measures?

Two angles with equal measurements are called congruent angles.

What is four congruent angles?

They are four angles which are equal. They could be 4 angles of a pentagon measuring 100 degrees, where the fifth measures 40 degrees.

What triangle measures 60 60 60 degrees?

It's called an equilateral triangle. All 3 sides are equal length and all 3 angles are equal (60 degrees)

What polygon does the sum of the measures of interior angles equal the sum of the measures of the exterior angles?

A 4 sided quadrilateral has interior angles that add up to 360 degrees and its exterior angles add up to 360 degrees