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Q: What are used to show that angles have the same measure on a diagram?
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What is used to show that angles have the same measurement on a diagram?


How do you show that two angles are congruent?

You show that they have the same measure.

How do you find a congruent angle?

Measure it, or if it is marked by a letter or number and a different shape has the SAME letter or number then the angles are congruent. A congruent angle are angles that have the same measure. Thye sign that is used to show this is ~=(~on top of the =). For example, ABC ~=PQR. This means that angle ABC has the same measure as PQR.

How do you show that both pairs of opposite sides are parallel for a parallelo gram?

You can use any of several properties of parallelograms: Show that the lines are parallel, show that opposite pairs of lines have the same length, or show that opposite pairs of angles have the same measure.

Can you show me a 60 degree angle on a 12 inch ruler?

I cannot show you anything! And even if I could, rulers don't measure angles, and angles don't appear on them.

Is a diagram and a venndiagram the same thing?

a Venn diagram consists of two overlapping circles, and is generally used as a compare and contrast diagram. a diagram in general is just a way to show information. in short, they are not the same thing, a venn diagram is a type of diagram.

Show three lines of symmetry?

If your asking what shape has three lines of symmetry, your answer would be an equilateral triangle. You can tell how many lines of symmetry a shape that has all angles of the same measure has by looking at it's angles. Ex., pentagon has five angles--five lines of symmetry; octagon has eight angles, eight lines of symmetry; etc.

What measure of a intercepted arc?

Examples to show how to use the property that the measure of a central angle is equal to the measure of its intercepted arc to find the missing measures of arcs and angles in given figures.

What ways can show that a triangle is similar?

One triangle is similar to another if the angles of one are the same as the angles of the other. Since the three angles must sum to 180, it is enough that two of the angles of one triangle are the same as the corresponding two of the other. Equivalently, the three corresponding sides of the two triangles must be in the same proportion.

Can you show a diagram of an angelfish?

yes we can show you an actual diagram of a angel fish

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Can you show me a diagram of a lysosome?

I'm unable to display images. However, a lysosome is a membrane-bound organelle that contains digestive enzymes to break down cellular waste and debris. It is often depicted as a round structure with a surrounding membrane and various enzymes inside.