

Best Answer

Ultrasound are usedful in diagnosing medical problems caused to human beings.

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Q: What are uses of ultrasound in day to day life?
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Who uses ultrasound?

Animals use ultrasound but i do not know what animals do,

Are there any uses of ultrasound in medicine?

yes when you get an ULTRASOUND when your pregnant it use ultrasound waves to show the image.

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What is 4D Ultrasound?

Its an ultrasound that uses sound waves, which gives you a clearer image of what your baby looks like!

What is ultrasound refrigeration?

Ultrasound or thermoacoustic refrigeration uses a resonating sound wave to induce a thermal gradient.

Person who uses sound waves to make images of the body?

A person who uses sound waves to make images of the body is known as a sonographer or ultrasound technician. They operate ultrasound machines to capture images of internal organs and tissues for diagnostic purposes.

What are the Uses of anaesthetic gas in day to day life?

It is used for minor surgeries.

What are uses of ultrasound?

Ultrasound can be used for a lot of purposes. This includes cleaning machinery, teeth and jewellery, and inspecting pipes. It is also used for looking inside our bodies such as an ultrasound scan.

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... It's pointless.

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prevent goiter

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Reasearch and games that what i use my laptop for