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Q: What are usually the first signs of menopause?
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Does hormone replacement interfere with menopause?

Yes hormone replacement does interfere with menopause because it is basically erases any signs from your body that your body needs menopause by making you fertile again.

What are some signs or symptoms of menopause?

There are 35 common symptoms of the menopause, all of which can be found in the related link below.. Answer: Irritability, bloatedness and mood swings are few initial signs of menopause. Then there are hot flashes, night sweats,vaginal dryness and loss of libido. Having the right diet and right supplement can help in keeping these symptoms away.

What is the difference between menstruation and menopause?

Menstruation is a monthly event of the uterus shedding it's lining. It begins at menarche (first period, usually about age 13) and continues until the onset of menopause (usually mid to late 40's). Menopause begins a change in the body where periods become at first, erratic, then infrequent, and finally stop all together. Past this point, the woman is considered no longer able to bear children.

How is the married life after menopause?

Just as bad as it usually is.

Am I too young to start menopause at thirty two years old?

No Menopause can happen at any age. Women in there teens can reach menapause. If you think you have signs of menapause go to your doctor.

Is it healthier to go through menopause in your fifties?

That is usually the time people go through menopause. Between 48-52.

Can you have menopause after having a baby?

Menopause is only a term for the change that happens to women when they cease to be able to have babies. So if a woman has had a child or not she will usually go through the menopause at about late forties or fifties.

When does menstruation usually end?

Yes. When a woman goes through menopause, her menstruation will end. The average age for menopause is in the early 50's.

What are menarche and menopause?

Menarche is the first menstrual flow onset of puberty in girls while menopause is the time when ovaries of a woman stop releasing eggs.