

What are variables in 3 words?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: What are variables in 3 words?
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Related questions

What are variables and independent variables?

those words either mean math or science words

What is the antonym for the word variables?

Stable, unchangeable, or invariable. Those words are the opposites of variables.

How many variables an 8-square eliminates?

3 variables

3 types of variables?

controlled,manipulated,responding variables

What are the 3 kinds of variables?

independent variable,depedent variable and control variable are the 3 kinds of variables.

The independent variable is plotted on what axis?

It depends on the number of variables and their nature: 2 variables, both independent: either axis 2 variables, one independent: x-axis 3 variables, all independent: any axis 3 variables, 2 independent: x or y-axis. 3 variables, 1 independent: x-axis. and so on.

What are explanatory and response variables in statistics?

Explanatory and Response variables are just fancy words for independent and dependent variables. Explanatory is the independent variable and response is the dependent variable.

How do you separate the words responding variables into syllables?

Re-spond-ing (3 syllables: Re - spond - ing)

What variables in turbo C?

There are mainly 3 types of variables in c. Integer, Float and character :)

Does a mathematical expression have to have variables?

Yes. Expressions cannot be expressed without variables. There are numerical expressions for ex. 2 + 3 is an expression without variables.

Why two different variables m and s are needed in exercise 3?

Because there are two unknown variables.

Anova depends on having independent variables describe an abuse that might occur by having dependent variables?

there are three kinds of variables.a variable must be a situation,condition or a factor1.change or manipulated variables.-are the variables that are being tested or changed.2.constant variables.-are the variables that you are not intended to test or study,or the variables to be kept constant.3.responding variables.-are the results of the maipulated variables.