Oh, dude, whole numbers between 1 and 10000 are like all those numbers without any funky decimals or fractions. You know, like 1, 2, 3, all the way up to 10000. It's like counting from one to ten thousand without getting all mathematical on me.
Oh, how delightful! Whole numbers between 1 and 10,000 are like little friends waiting to be noticed. They start with 1, then 2, 3, 4, and keep going all the way up to 10,000, each one bringing its own unique energy to the canvas of numbers. Just imagine all the happy little whole numbers waiting to be discovered and appreciated in this vast number landscape.
The list is so easy to build that you can even do it by yourself.
Sit down, in a quiet place, with a pad of paper and a few pencils.
Starting at '1', count slowly out loud to 10,000, and simply write
down each number as you hear yourself say it.
When you finish, you'll not only have a complete list of all the whole
numbers from 1 to 10,000, but they'll even be listed in order, from
smallest to largest.
Here are the first few, to get you going:
You can do it.
1-10000 Simple, minus 10,000 by 2 There's your answer. 99,998
4999 (not counting 1).
If you mean strictly between , so that 1 and 10000 are both excluded, the answer is 38,888
Int(10000/3) = Int(3333.3) = 3333
1-10000 Simple, minus 10,000 by 2 There's your answer. 99,998
4999 (not counting 1).
If you mean strictly between , so that 1 and 10000 are both excluded, the answer is 38,888
Int(10000/3) = Int(3333.3) = 3333
All whole numbers between 1 and 400 (=20 square).
There are 900 three-digit whole numbers between 1 and 1000
Whole numbers between 1 and 100 are just counting numbers. Can you count? Just start at 1 and count to 100. All the numbers in your count will what you are asking for: That is: 1, 2,3, ... (fill in the missing numbers ) 98,99,100.
There are none.