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A feature length film!

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Q: What are you most likely not going to see on a graph?
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Why would you want to create a bar graph from a budget spreadsheet?

to see where most of your money is going

What will you likely NOT see on a graph?

A prediction

Are you not likely to see a graph?

prediction 🔥

What does a mode mean on a line graph?

it means what you see the most on the graph

Are you likely to see a prediction on a graph?

No as a graph is used to record information you or someone else found out not to record predictions.

If you are going to Arizona what would you most likely to see a cape a desert or an icecap?


What are the difference between a line graph and bar graph?

Bar graphs use bars and a line graph is like a scatter graph but with a straight line to see wich way the dots are going.

What is the difference between a broken line graph and a line graph?

A line graph basically shows it going straight up. (or a steady rate) A broken line graph will have numbers all over the place. It will be going up and down and up and down. Maybe for a example the numbers will be 10 then 50 then 2 then 100. So as you can see that graph will have lines going everywhere! hope i helped.

If boyfriend is afraid to lose the girl why won't he see her?

Most likely he is worried his girlfriend is going to dump him, so figures if she doesn't see him, she can't dump him.

What kind of information does a circle graph best represent?

Well, it should most likely be used for a graph of 100 votes or 100 people. That way, if 70 people liked the movie Star Wars, but 30 people didn't , you could see the matter easily.

Where would you be most likely to see a flying fish?

Where would you be most likely to see a flying fish?

Why are you most likely to see a full solar eclipse then a lunar eclipse?

You would most likely see a full lunar eclipse