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Q: What are young trees less than three feet high called?
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Is a young tree under 3 feet tall called a dwarf?

No, a dwarf is a tree usually specifically bred to be small. The most obvious are bonsai trees. A young tree is a sapling. okay thank you. Yes bonsai trees I have heard of and long ago sapling.

What structural adaptation does three toed sloth have enables it to live high up in trees?

Three long, curved and sharp claws on hind feet and front feet

What are the three different trees that grow in the rainforest?

Three different trees that grow in the rainforest are the kapok tree, the rubber tree, and the mahogany tree. Kapok trees can grow up to 200 feet tall, rubber trees produce latex used to make rubber, and mahogany trees are known for their valuable hardwood.

Can trees be 2000 feet?

Sequoia are the tallest trees at about 380 feet

What structural adaptation does the three-toed sloth have that enables it to live high up in trees?

Three long, curved and sharp claws on hind feet and front feet which helps it climb up the tree.

What are the hands of a monkey called feet paws or hands?

there is a type of monkey that is called the gorilla monkey. This monkey has webbed feet on all four so that is can climb tall trees. This monkey is also an excellent animal for comunicating with. It speaks french!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a type of monkey that is called the gorilla monkey. This monkey has webbed feet on all four so that is can climb tall trees. This monkey is also an excellent animal for comunicating with. It speaks french!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Many feet are coconut trees?

Coconut trees can grow to be around fifty or sixty feet tall.

How can ten trees be planted so that each tree is in 2 rows of four trees?

Draw a large X. Extend the feet so its base is wider than its top. Plant four trees at the ends of the X lines and one where the two lines cross. Draw two lines from the two bottom trees up to the two outer top trees and continue the lines till they meet. Plant a tree there. Four rows of trees, with three trees in each row. QED.

How tall are red wood trees?

Redwood trees can grow to be over 300 feet tall, with some specimens reaching heights of around 380 feet. These trees are among the tallest in the world.

What birds' feet are great for walking up trees?

Parrots have feet with strong laws, which are specially suited for gripping and climbing trees.

Why did the blonde swurve off the road?

Because the trees where on the road but it turns out that the trees had feet

What are young lions called and what is their length?

They are called cubs. They are around 0.5 to 1 feet in length head to tail. They are around 2-5 pounds in weight.