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Q: What are your interest outside works?
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What was expected of women according the concept of separate sphere?

To take no interest in activities outside their homes

How does compound interest work?

AnswerCompound interest works like this.Take a principle (The amount of money you deposit) of $10,000.Lets say that the interest rate is 8% and that it compounds anually.At the end of one year you would have $10,800.With simple interest, at the end of two years, you would have $11,600 because you only earn interst on the principle.After three years you would have $12,400.However, with compound interest, you will earn interest on not just the principle, but the compounded interest as well.Therefore, with compound interest, at the end of two years, you would have 11,664.After three years it would be $12,597.12 and so on.

When do you use percentages outside of maths at school?

Some of the many examples are calculating tax, discounts/sale prices, interest, gratuities (tips), grades, pay increases.

Would the statement 'Simple Interest is interest earned on interest' be True or False?

False. Interest upon interest is compounded interest

What is a simple interest in math?

Simple interest is interest that is calculated only on the amount of unpaid principal on a loan. Such interest is not added to the value of the loan but is tracked separately. Compound interest is interest that is calculated on the total of unpaid principal and accumulated interest on a loan. The difference is in simple interest there is no interest charged on accumulated interest while in compound interest there is interest charged on accumulated interest.

Related questions

An economic interest group works to?

An economic interest group works to gain economic advantages for its members.

What kind of interest works against you if you borrow money?

compound interest

What is honest graft?

When politician works for the interest

What does ex works?

outside of the factory where it is produced.

What do you call a person who works against the interest of his country?

A traitor.

What did Galileo do outside of science?

Galileo's other interest were art and medicine.

What does Ex works mean?

outside of the factory where it is produced.

What is the person who works outside the hotel called?

The Manager.

How much will you get back on mortgage interest?

Either your question is poorly worded, or one of us is deeply confused about how interest works. You normally don't get ANYTHING back on mortgage interest.

What is the name for a group of people what works to influence government decisions?

An interest group

How does a fixed interest rate loan work?

A fixed interest works as follows. You agree an amount you want to borrow, at what interest rate, and for how long. You then pay back that loan with that interest rate fixed, until the term ends.

What was expected of women in the concept of seperate spheres?

In the concept of separate spheres, women were expected to primarily focus on domestic duties such as raising children, managing the household, and providing emotional support to their husbands. Women were seen as the moral center of the family and were expected to embody virtues like piety, purity, and submission to authority. Their roles were generally confined to the private sphere of the home, while men were expected to take on public roles in society.